The Carolina Institute for Developmental Disabilities at UNC
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Data Science Core

The overall objectives of this core are to enhance the productivity of CIDD investigators and the quality of their research. The core can assist IDDRC projects with study design, data management, and statistical analysis. This assistance has ranged from simple consultation to answering specific data management or analysis questions, to collaborative involvement from the design stage through proposal writing, data collection and management, to the publication of results.

Core Director: Yun Li, Ph.D.
Core Co-Director: Young Truong, Statistician

Core Functions

The Bioinformatics and Biostatistics Core provides CIDD investigators with design, statistical and data management assistance. The overall objectives of the Core are to enhance the productivity of CIDD investigators and to enhance the quality of their research. We achieve these objectives by collaborating with investigators, providing them with services through every stage of a research project. We participate in:
  • writing grant proposals;
  • developing efficient experimental designs;
  • designing data collection instruments and conducting pilot tests;
  • designing and implementing database management systems;
  • supervising execution of the study and collection of data;
  • operating database management systems to clean, store, and retrieve and archive data;
  • performing statistical analyses and writing research papers and reports
To each phase of the research effort we contribute the unique perspectives and experiences of psychometricians, biometricians, professionally trained research database managers, and a support staff of proficient programmers and data managers.

Membership and Access Information

To be considered for membership in the CIDD and to gain access to core resources in the IDDRC, please visit the Membership and Access Information page. Membership and Access Information

Data Science Core Expertise and Contact Information

Core Director
Yun Li, Ph.D.
Analysis of genetics and genomics data

Core Co-Director
Young Truong, Statistician

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